
Woooo the holidays are here and Thanksgiving is now days away. If you know anything about me you would know that I am a holiday fanatic. So though I am not supposed to blog this week I had to do a special edition blog.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays apart from Christmas (and my birthday). Because I know myself, I know who I truly am. I know how God came, picked me up and changed me, so I thank him daily for all the second chances he gave me and also the one he is giving me right now. I believe that Thanksgiving is a time to recollect all that God has done for us. I know I am not the only one. If you are a believer or not there is something to be grateful for. Even if you are in a dark place right now, there is still soo much to be thankful for. I know we humans sometimes get depressed and see no point to life and no real reason to be thankful but we always stop short. Because even when we are down, the bible gives us great promises i.e. "come to me all ye that weary and have heavy burden" (matt11:28) "rejoice in The Lord always again I say rejoice"(phil 4:4) "anyone who is among the living has hope"(eccles 9:4)

There are sooo many promises in the Bible for time of our lives. If it's for our children, people who want to know God, the sick, the depressed, the needy, the lonely, or the people who want to see a move of God. The list goes on and on. These gifts that Jesus lavished on us are nothing compared to his greatest gift which was to become a child of God. That gift alone should put us in a state of thankfulness forever. Such a thing has the SON OF GOD leaving his throne because I sinned and couldn't obey, so he came into the earth he made and payed the price for MY sins. :-( Someone once asked me what was the saddest moment in human history (my mind wondered straight to the day Adam and Eve ate the apple) but my thoughts were cut short as I came to the realization that... the SADDEST day in man's history was the day JESUS DIED. (I was shocked) then he proceeded to ask another saying, 'What was the happiest day in history?' (This time I had a variety of things to think about but I settled on the day JESUS resurrected) but then he resumed and said that the HAPPIEST day in history was the day JESUS DIED. I was then confused but it had made great sense. All of creation wept because for a little while and for the very first time, the GODHEAD split and the creator was killed by his own creation. Then, it was also the happiest day because it was the day that our sins were washed clean. Going back to the patriarchs, we can all see that they all longed to see that day. The day our deliverance came.

So as you get your turkey ready and start the cruel-some shopping remember the what Christ went through and remember that though Christ has gone through that pain to free us there are others that are still in bondage. Use this opportunity as a believer to share the love of Christ to the world. Christ came to the world so anyone that believes should not perish (John 3:16) but how can they believe if no one tells them. Remember to be thankful and look at your life, where you came from, where Christ picked you up from, then look ahead to the promises Christ has given you and if you are an unbeliever look to the promise of peace, joy, love, happiness, and being called into the family of Christ.
We all have something to be thankful for so let us take time to enjoy. Peace and love to all of you.

Sooo thankful for everyone who has been reading these blog. So I am having a giveaway (my very first!!!) I will be giving away a book that has blessed me sooo much ... Drumroll please!! ..... John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith. It is such an awesome book and it will bless you. I will be doing a review on it later. The rules are to subscribe to this blog and share it when you are done.. Also comment about your life and how you came to know The Lord (for believers) if you are an unbeliever tell me a story about your journey and where you are now. Thank you all so much and enjoy!!! This giveaway will be open till the 16th of December. Happy thanksgiving!!!

John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith


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