Family Oriented

The Bible says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27). Now I know some churches and pastors spend ample time on the first half, but we spend so little time on teaching about loving our neighbor as our self. The Bible says, " If a man says, “I love God,” and hateth his brother, he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" (1 John 4:20). In the Christian circle we are soooo guilty of this. When we open to the book of Acts, we see how these brothers and sisters worked in such a display of love. The ones that had, went ahead and sold their possessions and it was split equally to all. They practiced the love that Christ showed on earth. But looking through the glass today we as believers seem soo divided. People say," I go to a Baptist church, no brother it's about the Methodists, nooo it's all about the Pentecostals." NOOOO!!!! The body of Christ is NOT divided. The fingers and the knees are both part of the body of Christ. I believe the reason there are soo many sects in the body of Christ is because we are focused on legalism. We need Christ's love to abide in our hearts.

The reason why Christ said love covers a multitude of sins is because when you have love for others you do not lie to them, or steal from them, or a majority of the things the law says not to do. See one of the key things that we believers need to start working out is LOVE. A genuine love for one another and a genuine love for God. See when believers come together as one and start walking in that agape love, unbelievers will be quick to notice. This is a big portion of what Jesus was showing when he was on earth. Even after Peter betrayed him three times, he made sure to call Peter by name to let him know he had risen (mark16:7)
And even before His ascension, He never mentioned the betrayal He just asked Peter if he loved him. What manner of love is this(John 21:15). The love that Christ showed to His disciples and to others should be in effect in our lives today!! The Bible says if you having plenty, see your brother who is wanting and do nothing you are WRONG (1 John 3:17-18). Love, which IS Christ (1 John 4:16) who is in us, should compel us to show him to the world. I have a strong belief that if believers would start to work out true Christ-like love, this world would not be the same. See we talk about love, we sing about it, and we even pray for it sometimes, but we do not put it into action.
 There is a story that goes like this: when John the apostle was near death and well into old age when he could barely walk, they (who is they?) brought him to speak with some believers and all he could say was LOVE ONE ANOTHER, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I have a cry in my heart for us believers to drop our barriers, whether it be gender, race,denomination, culture and to cleave to the prefect love which we have in Christ . From the words of Jesus dearly beloved "Love The Lord you God with all your heart should AND mind and love your neighbor as your self(Luke 10:27).

P.s.- From now on I will try to release a new blog every other Monday. And I will be reviewing books that I have read which I believe will help you as well. if you have a suggestion or comment feel free to comment or email me. Lastly, please do share this blog, our goal next year is to have a bigger audience and following who are interested in knowing God the more. Thank you and stay tuned!


  1. I Love it, first let me pray, I thank God for your life and for the word that he placed in your heart. run your race my sister and don't look back. now why i love it, because the foundation of holiness, righteousness,and faith is love and we know
    faith work by love therefore without faith we can't please God.
    God is looking for love his children to love each other as you so eloquently pointed out earlier. we all are bring tested by our neighbor and God is watching us. will we take advantage of their weakness and let darkness prosper or will we strengthen them with love and show them the light along with remitting their sins john 20:23
    we need not to retain their sin that cause a weakness in their life which we could take advantage of, well it is written the work of your father you will do. Our Father remit sins, now in closing to day is my birthday and i have learn with time it is better to know love than for someone to tell you what love is. therefore I will pray, Father i ask you in the name of Jesus teach us how to love you with all our heart, Father teach us to love you with all our soul, father teach us to love you with all our mind and Farther teach us to love you with all our strengthen, we thank you father in the mighty name of Jesus.
    if we don't love the our Father the right way it is impossible to love ourselves and our neighbors the way God want us to. God bless


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