Weighted down

Hello everyone!!! Yay another blog post!!This one is definitely gonna be a follow up to my 60 days !! Whooo!
Insanity 60 day challenge

we are more than half way there; it's day 32 and guess what I have lost 8 pounds and the other day God really touched my heart!! Yay!!
Tonight we read from Our Daily Bread devotional which talked about keeping our eyes on God and to me, I saw an analogy to Peter when he walked on water. Many of us start out our race by faith just like Peter did by looking to Jesus, but as the storms of life rage and our surrounding war against us we start to believe the situation instead of keeping our eyes on the Creator, and just like Peter we start to sink. The amazing thing with Peter was that he knew he missed it, he knew he needed help, and he realized who could help him.
Jesus and Peter(Google Picture)

JESUS!! Many of us are in a low state and we feel crippled by that state and then the devil starts whispering into our ears that God would never forgive us... or God hates us... or we just fall back into our sin.So, instead of going to Christ, who can fix the problem,we retreat inward and draw away from Christ which leaves us to feeling too filthy and dirty in the sight of God to go back . But what we need to understand is that HE who we are running away from is He that will take away all those feelings and sins away and wipe us clean again. See, Peter knew to a certain extent the significance of that.When Peter saw that he was sinking he stretched his hands out to Jesus and called upon him for help...and guess what, Jesus pulled him up and said, "Why did you doubt?" Wow, such a faithful God! Look to Jesus, do not fix your eyes on the problems, the situation, or lies of the enemy but focus your eyes on God for HE is more than able to pull you through (Romans 8:28). Remember, no matter where you are or what you have done, the sacrifice for your sins, the payment for your sin and debt has been paid in full.It's now up to you to accept that payment, to accept what the Lord as done for you (Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law) .In Christ there is joy, in Christ there is peace, in Him there is unhindered love. Know that God's hands are open to receive you, if you come to Him, He is faithful and just to redeem you from all unrighteousness(1 John 1:9). Let us lay aside every weight and cling to God(Hebrews 12:1).

Heb 12:1 (Google Picture)

Remember, be the difference and spread Christ's love into the world!


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