Can Love Hurt?

We have all been through at least one tragic event in our lives ... Such as losing a loved one,sickness,pain,maybe even depression, or just a bad relationship. Through all this heartache, does love exist? And if so, why is this happening? If Jesus truly loves us, why is it so hard in the world today and how can God let this happen? It's simple. When we were created, we were made in God's image. He gave us power to rule over the earth. But we gave that power to the enemy (Gen.3:6-7), when man fell. When we did, we fell into our earthly part and died to God. We who were supposed to rule earth gave our rights up to the devil. That is why there is pain,heartache, crime, death and sickness. satan is only the ruler of this world because we gave him the power to in the very beginning. Next week we will talk about how you can stay above the hurt and get a mended heart.


The reason that the world is in shambles, where sadness and violence fill the land,is because we gave our God given authority to the devil.
But Jesus got it back for us. How do we get back to that stage of happiness and power. By believing that Jesus really did come to save you from all the things that tormented you(your sins).And accepting him as lord of your life. Salvation gives you an edge over this dark world. It gives you boldness and confidence that nothing by any means shall arm you (Luke 10:19). And that you have over come the world because Jesus overcame the world (1 John 5:4-5).Love only hurts when something as come in between your love.
Today bring your broken heart to The Lord and he will mend it.


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