Withholding Nothing

I'm writing to you today from my heart, from my own struggles and my own experience. Since I started this amazing journey with Jesus I have learned so much. I have been broken. I have been tempted (time and time again), so much has happened but by His grace He has kept me.
But a lot of times, I have found myself entertaining the desires of the world and putting God's desire second. Many times I have pushed God to the side and pleased my flesh hurting my Lord and Savior. I know time and time again He takes me back. I read through the Bible and see how people were so yielded to God, and it is soooo plain to me that my heart is not fully surrendered to God. I believe this is so for many of us believers. We want God to come in, we want Him more but we keep holding on to some of our secret sins. For some it's not
sins it just things that are inconsistent with a life sold out to God. From our thought life to our daily decisions there should be a total yielded-ness to God. Everything other than that is not living the life JESUS called us to. It is possible to live a life free from the bondage of sin but it is only through Christ and yielding to the Spirit that that can happen. If we read the Word, we clearly see the standard that we are to live by. Those standards are not meant for pastors or super zealous Christians. It was meant for every believer. Jesus tells us if we hate our brother it's the same as murder, he also says if we lust in our hearts it's the same as fornication (Matt 5:22, 28)! In essence Christ is saying it is about your heart and the wickedness of our hearts!!!!! . It's not about how spiritual we look ... (if it was we might as well be labeled the Pharisees of Jesus days) It's about our hearts.

Take a moment everyday this week to search your heart. How many times did your heart stray in thoughts, in feelings, how many times did you deny Christ by not boldly proclaiming Him, how many times did you not yield to His leading (disobedience)? Our lives, as believers, are meant to glorify God, but if we decide to walk about doing fleshly things and desires, are we not setting our eyes on things of the flesh? I call you to go with me ... To enter into Jesus’ gates with your heart just the way it is ...let Jesus know all the wickedness, the sinfulness, the hatred, the lust, and the un-forgiveness in it. Let Him have it. Let's stop holding back from the only one who can fix us and wants to fix us. Let's give all our hearts to God and start living as true believers. I say this all the time but the reason there is sooo much turmoil and evil in the world is because we are not living the life we (believers) should. Please this is not for the super spiritual or for pastor and ministers this is for all believers. Let's give our hearts to Christ. Let's trust God. We have sinned and Lord we repent! I have sinned and Lord I repent!!

We have a high bar to reach and there is no way we can do it ourselves. The good news is Jesus has already done it for us. All we have to do is yield our hearts to Him so that He can live that (righteous Christian) life through us. God bless you.

I pray for everyone who reads this that God will work in their hearts and He would pull them into His courts and strip them of themselves and make them more like Him.


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