Amazing God

Now, many of you probably think that this is a blog about God and how amazing He is... Right??? Not exactly, and now don't get me wrong, God is AMAZING but today I want to get a different message across.
Now in Matthew 8 the story goes that a centurion came to Jesus for healing for his servant, Jesus said He would go and heal him but the centurion told Jesus if He would only say the word his servant would be healed. JESUS answered with this awesome statement, “Truly I have not found a faith like this in Israel.” He was amazed. Of course our Lord knows all things, but I believe that the words the centurion spoke gladdened the heart of the Lord. We, as believers, have a tendency to be a well, for lack of a better word ...chicken! ... We have scriptures in the Word like Mark 11:23-24!

23 Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have receivedit, and it will be yours.


From reading this Bible verse, I see clearly that faith pleases God. Faith gladdens His heart. Our salvation is acquired by faith. Our jobs and heart cry, as believers, should be our relationship with God and to know Him and He know us. Our ever heart desire should be to please Him. Well I'll let you in on a secret, faith pleases God, faith moves God. Looking at different stories from the Bible, you can see time and time again when Jesus would say ... Your faith as made you whole. (Mark 5:34, Mark 10:52, Luke 17:19) God calls us to a life of faith (And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 NIV)

He wants us to live a life that puts full trust in Him. He even brings it down to our level and says all we need is faith as a small as a mustard seed—which is thought to be one of the smallest seeds on earth. As an unbeliever, the only way you can please God is to believe that Jesus died and shed His blood for you and that He resurrected and is now at the right hand of God pleading for you! As a believer the way you can please God is to have faith!! That no matter what you are going through, whether good or bad, that God will never allow is words to fall to the ground! Glory to God in the highest!!!


  1. Yes you are right! Without faith it is impossible to please God. It pleases God and we should exercise faith if we care. God blesses even a small amount of faith as small as a mustard seed. Faith in God opens all the channels of blessing from salvation to sanctification to restoration..... It releases God's power and Spirit to change us and make us new. It is always relevant for the new and older Christian, we breathe faith everyday as we reach out to God and he responds with his love and grace. Glory and honour belong to our Faithful Almighty God!


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